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Thief Returns Package After Outed On Social Meida...

Package thief returns box after outed on social media. Smart Home Security Versus Package Theft. We see it shared in all of our neighbor groups. There is not a lack of "my packages were stolen today" posts. And that is infuriating (especially as a home security/smart home service provider goes)! It can be simply inconvenient, or it can cost you hundreds of dollars. And to add insult to injury, it happens right on your doorstep. Even if you haven't been a victim, you've likely worried about it, or taken time off work to ensure that a valuable delivery made it indoors. Why is package theft so common? It's an easy, opportunistic crime. For a thief, an unattended box on your porch represents fast money for a few seconds' "work", without risking the consequences of breaking into a house. With most homeowners now receiving at least one package delivery a month, the opportunity for thieves is becoming greater. Package thieves have even been caught following delivery drivers through neighborhoods to grab boxes as soon as they're set down on doorsteps - all while the homeowners are at work. How does smart security safeguard you? Advanced home security technology helps you protect your porch and your deliveries. A smart home security system, equipped with a smart lock and a doorbell camera, gives you several ways to thwart a thief. Check out one solution: Video Awareness: You can't choose when your packages are delivered, but you can know instantly when it happens. An​ - powered doorbell camera sends an alert to your smartphone when a delivery person rings the bell. Tap the alert and a video screen will open, showing you the delivery driver with your package. If you're nearby, you can quickly pop home to get your package. If you're not, you can ask a neighbor to go over and pick it up for you. You can also ask the driver to leave the package somewhere specific, such as behind a fence. - Minnesota Security​ will design a user-friendly security system that fits your home and individual needs, tailored to your lifestyle. No complicated and expensive packages. Easy and always covered. Control and monitor your entire smart home system through one app, for complete convenience wherever you go (even on your Apple Watch) Ask us your unique security questions and/or learn more: (952) 224-9191 #HomeSecurity #HomeSecuritySystems #SmartHomes #SecurityForSmallBusiness #SecurityForElderly #SmartPhoneSecurity #HomeSecurityApps #HomeSecurityNearMe #HomeSecurityServices #HomeSecurityServicesTwinCities #SaintPaul #Minneapolis #TwinCities #SecuritySystemsTwinCities #HomeSecurityInstall #BusinessSecuritySystems #BusinessSecuritySystemInstallation #HomeMonitoring #HomeMonitor #AlarmSystems #AlarmSystemsForMyHome #HomeAlarmSystemInstallation #Safe #Secure #Security #Safety #SafetySystemsForMyFamily #SecuritySystemsForLargeBusinesses #CommercialSecurity #VideoSurvellience #Fireprotection #WaterProtection #24HourMonitoring #Burglar #BreakIns #CrimeReports #crimeNearMe #CabinLife #Cabins #Seconhomes #SecondhomeSecurity #5starReview #googlehome #smarthometechnolgoy #smarthomes

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