Boost Your Home's Security with SMART LOCKS
How to Add Smart Locks to Your Edina Home...

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Keyless entry systems are not just convenient, they also help fortify your home so that strangers never enter. Leave a key under a doormat and anybody can find it, but smart locks provide you with personal passcodes and full control at all times. Are smart locks worth adding to your Edina, MN home? This blog will answer that question and also explain exactly how they work.
How do Smart Locks Work?
Most smart locks have a numerical keypad that lets you unlock the door with a personalized code instead of a physical key. You can create a code for each member of your family, and even temporary codes for guests. The smart lock connects to your smart home, allowing you to open and close it at any time wirelessly. So if your spouse forgets his or her code, you can simply open the door using your smart phone. Smart locks can also send you an alert if it’s ever left unlocked, or when anyone comes inside your home. You can stay informed of when your kids come home and also if anyone leaves.
Gates and Garages
About 70 percent of Americans use the garage door as their primary entrance. If you are one of those

people, you should definitely consider automating it. The fact is, garage doors are easy to leave open by accident. Since many garages only have remotes that work a few feet from the home, you’d have to drive all the way back in order to close it. A smart garage door opener connected to a security system addresses this issue. Just like with the other smart locks, you’ll get a notification if it’s left open and you can close it any time and from anywhere. If you want to know what’s going on at all times, you can even get notifications every time the garage door closes or opens (helpful for parents of teens who may try to take the car out late at night).
An integrator can connect your front gate to the house so you can easily let people in and out—whether you’re at home or not. You’ll get an instant notification on your phone that someone is at the gate, and then you can press a button to open it. If you don’t know who it is, use the intercom system to speak to the person, or get a good look at them using a surveillance camera.
Video Doorbell Integration

The smart locks we install can also become a part of a smart front door solution. It will allow you to visually verify every person who comes to your front door and let them in easily whether you are right there or in another state. As soon as the doorbell rings, you can see who is there using a surveillance camera with a live video feed and then press a button to welcome them inside. HD intercom system also allow you to have a conversation with the person. So if it’s FedEx dropping off a package, you can tell them to leave I on your doorstep or open the door so they can leave it inside.
If you would like to add smart locks to your home, fill out this online form. We can install a full security and surveillance solution as well as other home technology systems to meet your everyday needs.